Trains going through NAINPUR JN |
Train From NAINPUR JN To NAGARWARA This is train number 10002 distance is - 138.00 K.M. approx 85.75 Miles. departureTime from NAINPUR JN is 09:35 and arrival time to NAGARWARA is 10:18 |
Train From NAINPUR JN To LAMTA This is train number 10002 distance is - 146.00 K.M. approx 90.72 Miles. departureTime from NAINPUR JN is 09:35 and arrival time to LAMTA is 10:34 |
Train From NAINPUR JN To CHAREGAON This is train number 10002 distance is - 157.00 K.M. approx 97.56 Miles. departureTime from NAINPUR JN is 09:35 and arrival time to CHAREGAON is 10:57 |
Train From NAINPUR JN To SAMNAPUR This is train number 10002 distance is - 171.00 K.M. approx 106.25 Miles. departureTime from NAINPUR JN is 09:35 and arrival time to SAMNAPUR is 11:21 |
Train From NAINPUR JN To BALAGHAT JN This is train number 10002 distance is - 187.00 K.M. approx 116.20 Miles. departureTime from NAINPUR JN is 09:35 and arrival time to BALAGHAT JN is 12:10 |