Trains going through RAMNAGAR BENGAL |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To DIGHA FLAG STN This is train number 12857 distance is - 189.00 K.M. approx 117.44 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 09:44 and arrival time to DIGHA FLAG STN is 10:00 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To KANTHI P H This is train number 12858 distance is - 33.00 K.M. approx 20.51 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 10:34 and arrival time to KANTHI P H is 10:56 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To TAMLUK This is train number 12858 distance is - 94.00 K.M. approx 58.41 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 10:34 and arrival time to TAMLUK is 11:54 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To MECHEDA This is train number 12858 distance is - 130.00 K.M. approx 80.78 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 10:34 and arrival time to MECHEDA is 12:32 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To ULUBARIA This is train number 12858 distance is - 157.00 K.M. approx 97.56 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 10:34 and arrival time to ULUBARIA is 12:56 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To SANTRAGACHI JN This is train number 12858 distance is - 181.00 K.M. approx 112.47 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 10:34 and arrival time to SANTRAGACHI JN is 13:19 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To HOWRAH JN This is train number 12858 distance is - 189.00 K.M. approx 117.44 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 10:34 and arrival time to HOWRAH JN is 13:50 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To KANTHI P H This is train number 18002 distance is - 33.00 K.M. approx 20.51 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 18:29 and arrival time to KANTHI P H is 18:52 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To TAMLUK This is train number 18002 distance is - 94.00 K.M. approx 58.41 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 18:29 and arrival time to TAMLUK is 19:59 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To MECHEDA This is train number 18002 distance is - 130.00 K.M. approx 80.78 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 18:29 and arrival time to MECHEDA is 20:34 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To ULUBARIA This is train number 18002 distance is - 157.00 K.M. approx 97.56 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 18:29 and arrival time to ULUBARIA is 20:58 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To SANTRAGACHI JN This is train number 18002 distance is - 181.00 K.M. approx 112.47 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 18:29 and arrival time to SANTRAGACHI JN is 21:17 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To HOWRAH JN This is train number 18002 distance is - 189.00 K.M. approx 117.44 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 18:29 and arrival time to HOWRAH JN is 21:50 |
Train From RAMNAGAR BENGAL To DIGHA FLAG STN This is train number 18001 distance is - 189.00 K.M. approx 117.44 Miles. departureTime from RAMNAGAR BENGAL is 17:20 and arrival time to DIGHA FLAG STN is 17:50 |