Trains going through UDALGURI |
Train From UDALGURI To TANGLA This is train number 15814 distance is - 327.00 K.M. approx 203.19 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 03:14 and arrival time to TANGLA is 03:42 |
Train From UDALGURI To KHOIRABARI This is train number 15814 distance is - 338.00 K.M. approx 210.02 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 03:14 and arrival time to KHOIRABARI is 03:59 |
Train From UDALGURI To RANGIYA JN This is train number 15814 distance is - 366.00 K.M. approx 227.42 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 03:14 and arrival time to RANGIYA JN is 05:05 |
Train From UDALGURI To ROWTA BAGAN This is train number 15813 distance is - 74.00 K.M. approx 45.98 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to ROWTA BAGAN is 21:15 |
Train From UDALGURI To MAJBAT This is train number 15813 distance is - 83.00 K.M. approx 51.57 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to MAJBAT is 21:31 |
Train From UDALGURI To NEW MISAMARI This is train number 15813 distance is - 113.00 K.M. approx 70.21 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to NEW MISAMARI is 22:08 |
Train From UDALGURI To RANGAPARA NORTH This is train number 15813 distance is - 124.00 K.M. approx 77.05 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to RANGAPARA NORTH is 23:00 |
Train From UDALGURI To VISWANATH CHRLI This is train number 15813 distance is - 175.00 K.M. approx 108.74 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to VISWANATH CHRLI is 00:06 |
Train From UDALGURI To HELEM This is train number 15813 distance is - 207.00 K.M. approx 128.62 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to HELEM is 00:46 |
Train From UDALGURI To GOHPUR This is train number 15813 distance is - 226.00 K.M. approx 140.43 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to GOHPUR is 01:10 |
Train From UDALGURI To TATIBAHAR This is train number 15813 distance is - 249.00 K.M. approx 154.72 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to TATIBAHAR is 01:39 |
Train From UDALGURI To HARMUTI This is train number 15813 distance is - 267.00 K.M. approx 165.91 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to HARMUTI is 02:01 |
Train From UDALGURI To NORTH LAKHIMPUR This is train number 15813 distance is - 296.00 K.M. approx 183.93 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to NORTH LAKHIMPUR is 03:15 |
Train From UDALGURI To GOGAMUKH This is train number 15813 distance is - 340.00 K.M. approx 211.27 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to GOGAMUKH is 04:37 |
Train From UDALGURI To DHEMAJI This is train number 15813 distance is - 366.00 K.M. approx 227.42 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to DHEMAJI is 05:20 |
Train From UDALGURI To SILAPATHAR This is train number 15813 distance is - 389.00 K.M. approx 241.71 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to SILAPATHAR is 05:52 |
Train From UDALGURI To TELAM This is train number 15813 distance is - 425.00 K.M. approx 264.08 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to TELAM is 06:51 |
Train From UDALGURI To MURKEONGSELEK This is train number 15813 distance is - 450.00 K.M. approx 279.62 Miles. departureTime from UDALGURI is 20:58 and arrival time to MURKEONGSELEK is 08:30 |