Trains going through UJALVAV |
Train From UJALVAV To ALAMPUR This is train number 59230 distance is - 66.00 K.M. approx 41.01 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to ALAMPUR is 20:09 |
Train From UJALVAV To NINGALA JN This is train number 59230 distance is - 74.00 K.M. approx 45.98 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to NINGALA JN is 20:17 |
Train From UJALVAV To LATHIDAD This is train number 59230 distance is - 81.00 K.M. approx 50.33 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to LATHIDAD is 20:25 |
Train From UJALVAV To BOTAD JN This is train number 59230 distance is - 92.00 K.M. approx 57.17 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to BOTAD JN is 20:45 |
Train From UJALVAV To LIMBDI This is train number 59230 distance is - 141.00 K.M. approx 87.61 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to LIMBDI is 23:51 |
Train From UJALVAV To WADHWAN CITY This is train number 59230 distance is - 161.00 K.M. approx 100.04 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to WADHWAN CITY is 00:18 |
Train From UJALVAV To JORAWARNAGAR JN This is train number 59230 distance is - 164.00 K.M. approx 101.90 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to JORAWARNAGAR JN is 00:34 |
Train From UJALVAV To VIRAMGAM JN This is train number 59230 distance is - 232.00 K.M. approx 144.16 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to VIRAMGAM JN is 01:58 |
Train From UJALVAV To AHMEDABAD JN This is train number 59230 distance is - 298.00 K.M. approx 185.17 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to AHMEDABAD JN is 03:10 |
Train From UJALVAV To VADODARA JN This is train number 59230 distance is - 397.00 K.M. approx 246.68 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to VADODARA JN is 05:10 |
Train From UJALVAV To SURAT This is train number 59230 distance is - 526.00 K.M. approx 326.84 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 20:03 and arrival time to SURAT is 07:40 |
Train From UJALVAV To SANOSRA This is train number 19025 distance is - 487.00 K.M. approx 302.61 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 16:00 and arrival time to SANOSRA is 16:19 |
Train From UJALVAV To SONGADH This is train number 19025 distance is - 498.00 K.M. approx 309.44 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 16:00 and arrival time to SONGADH is 16:29 |
Train From UJALVAV To SIHOR GUJARAT This is train number 19025 distance is - 505.00 K.M. approx 313.79 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 16:00 and arrival time to SIHOR GUJARAT is 16:39 |
Train From UJALVAV To VARTEJ This is train number 19025 distance is - 516.00 K.M. approx 320.63 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 16:00 and arrival time to VARTEJ is 16:54 |
Train From UJALVAV To BHAVANAGAR PARA This is train number 19025 distance is - 523.00 K.M. approx 324.98 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 16:00 and arrival time to BHAVANAGAR PARA is 17:05 |
Train From UJALVAV To BHAVNAGAR TRMUS This is train number 19025 distance is - 526.00 K.M. approx 326.84 Miles. departureTime from UJALVAV is 16:00 and arrival time to BHAVNAGAR TRMUS is 17:25 |