Trains going through UKHRA |
Train From UKHRA To PANDABESWAR This is train number 13051 distance is - 207.00 K.M. approx 128.62 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 10:33 and arrival time to PANDABESWAR is 10:44 |
Train From UKHRA To DUBRAJPUR This is train number 13051 distance is - 222.00 K.M. approx 137.94 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 10:33 and arrival time to DUBRAJPUR is 11:05 |
Train From UKHRA To SIURI This is train number 13051 distance is - 241.00 K.M. approx 149.75 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 10:33 and arrival time to SIURI is 11:40 |
Train From UKHRA To ANDAL JN This is train number 13052 distance is - 55.00 K.M. approx 34.18 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 14:21 and arrival time to ANDAL JN is 14:53 |
Train From UKHRA To DURGAPUR This is train number 13052 distance is - 71.00 K.M. approx 44.12 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 14:21 and arrival time to DURGAPUR is 15:09 |
Train From UKHRA To PANAGARH This is train number 13052 distance is - 86.00 K.M. approx 53.44 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 14:21 and arrival time to PANAGARH is 15:22 |
Train From UKHRA To BARDDHAMAN JN This is train number 13052 distance is - 134.00 K.M. approx 83.26 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 14:21 and arrival time to BARDDHAMAN JN is 16:07 |
Train From UKHRA To BANDEL JN This is train number 13052 distance is - 202.00 K.M. approx 125.52 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 14:21 and arrival time to BANDEL JN is 17:16 |
Train From UKHRA To HOWRAH JN This is train number 13052 distance is - 241.00 K.M. approx 149.75 Miles. departureTime from UKHRA is 14:21 and arrival time to HOWRAH JN is 18:25 |